Thursday, August 11, 2011

we survived....barely

Whew. After two days of teaching kindergarten I feel like I am finally taking my first breath since 6 am yesterday (the first day of school).

Nothing, seriously nothing, can prepare you for the first day of your teaching career. Especially when you class consists of 21 kindergarteners (90% of whom have never been to a preschool or daycare setting and have been mama's little baby for the last 5 years).

Yesterday, my first day, was absolutely chaotic. I survived....barely. My poor kiddos on the other hand barely made it through lunch time. I wish I could've counted the times I heard the following phrases: "I'm tired", "I'm hungry", "I want my mommy", "When's lunchtime?", "When are we going home?". Let me tell you, a 7 hour school day is hard thing for a 5 year old. But the bottom line....WE SURVIVED. Praise God, we survived!

Amidst the craziness, the tears, and the giggles were plenty of HILARIOUS moments. Here are just a few....

1. When the kids first came in, I had them sit at the carpet and read a book while I dealt with parents. They were angelic for the first 3.2 minutes. Sitting quietly. Looking at books. Being the cute 5 year olds they are capable of being. All of the sudden, one leader of the bunch stood up and spoke for everyone proclaiming loudly, "Ummmm...teacher. We can't read!!!!" It was as if they were a little gang. They all started shouting, "Yeah!", "Yeah!", "Yeah!". Within the first five minutes they had me laughing.

2. While standing in the lunch line, I had to repeatedly remind of a larger student to keep his body to himself. After asking him for the 3rd time if he understood the rules, he quickly said, "Yes, but you're beautiful!"

3. One child repeatedly kept asking me if my school ID badge was my driver's license or police badge. I swear, the kid just continued asking hoping that my answer would be yes.

Today, our second day, was leaps and bounds better. You know you teach kindergarten when you're thrilled that you manage to have their attention for 2+ minutes or that they've managed to create a somewhat functional and quiet line.

I can already say, I am so proud of my little ones (even if they drive me a little crazy approximately every 15 minutes). Watch out 2011-2012 school year. Room 3 is going to kick some seriously booty!


  1. Haha, we laughed so hard at this. I can't imagine teaching that young of kids for that long, that's got to be hard. It sounds like they love you already though! I'm sure that it will just get better and better once you get your routines established and they get used to being there so long. Way to go McKenzie!

  2. That is a hilarious story!!! I feel now that middle school and kindergarten do have things in common!!!

    Nicole Tierheimer
