Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"mrs bryant, i saw you in your underwear!"

Today, while walking in a nice quiet line, J (one of my student's) shouted out, "Mrs. Bryant, I saw you in your underwear!". The line quickly became a disheveled mess, as my students attempted to understand what J had just said.

Let's backtrack 12 hours: Last night, after a long day at work, Wes & I decided to go on a leisurely float down the river (pretty rough life, eh?). While we were getting out of the car and lathering ourselves in sunscreen (did you hear that mom....sunscreen!), I glanced over at two young girls who were laughing and pointing at me. I quickly realized these were J's older sisters who pick him up everyday. Within seconds, I see my wonderful, sweet & innocent little kindergartener....staring at me in my "itsy-bitsy-teenie-weenie-not-yellow-polka-dotted bikini". UMMM.....AWKWARD!!! I tried using my floaty as a robe, but it was if nothing could've eliminated or hidden the awkwardness of this moment.

Back to today's line: I kindly responded to J's comment, "Yes, J, I saw you at the river and I was wearing my bathing suit, just like you were wearing yours". My kids simply continued in line, puzzled at the awkward conversation that had just taken place.

Welcome to the life of a small-town kindergarten teacher.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

a big thanks to the criminals

Well, nothing is terribly new in the last few days. My week was exhausting yet rewarding, Wes locked himself out of the rental while I was at work, and we enjoyed a wonderful "Friday at 4" last night....the best part of teaching :)

We have been slowly moving into the rental, but are still feeling so incredibly grateful for Wendy and Alison's help. Thanks again girls. I hope we gave you a taste of life in Yuma and that you will come back soon for another "PBR float" down the river. Here's our little helpers visiting Yuma's Historical Territorial Prison with Wes (some of us had to miss out on this extracurricular activity due to work...cough...cough).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

bring on the hurdles

Last Friday evening was wonderful....Wesley, my dearest partner in crime, along with Wendy and Allison, arrived with all of our stuff....hence why I haven't updated this thing all weekend.....I've been a little, shall we say, preoccupied.

Ever since I arrived in Yuma in late July, things have been pretty smooth sailing. Chaotic, but smooth sailing. My classroom is neat and tidy. My kids are good (well-intentioned may be a better word). I had great temporary living quarters while Wes was gone. I found a decent rental before Wes arrived. Like I said, things were pretty smooth sailing.

THEN............when it rained, it poured.
This is code for we've had quite a few hurdles since Wes and the gals arrived. Here they go.....

-On the way down, 5 straps busted while attempting to hold down the Buick......costing us 140 bucks to replace. Oh, and no, they didn't all bust at the same time, causing multiple stops along the way.

-We unload the Buick into the garage, only to discover that the trailer has also busted in the process.....costing Wes a few hours in the hot sun to repair.

-While fixing the trailer, Wes discovers that the water valve to the fridge has been leaking over night and has flooded most of the kitchen and front room (conveniently where our boxes are sitting)....costing Wes an hour of clean up and costing McKenzie one serious mental breakdown.

-And then there was today. While I was gone at school, Wes discovers the water meter to the house has been removed, thus resulting in no water to the house and 2 trips to City Hall for Wes (apparently the last tenants weren't paying utilities and the city was unaware there were new tenants). Wait......why couldn't they have shut the water off two day priors when we were cleaning up a flooded kitchen? C'mon now!!!!

On a more positive note, we have a wonderful old man of a neighbor named Carl. He has been beyond helpful and is already Wes' new best buddy. He spent his Saturday in the 100+ degree heat helping us unload everything, he talks cars and 1950s with Wes, and is our water man to the rescue. Thank God for Carl.
Carl & Wes unloading the truck

On another positive note, while the girlies were here we managed to eat delicious food more times than you can count, travel to Mexico, float the river twice, visit the Historical Territorial Prison & Quartermaster Depot, and have loads of fun.

The trip to Mexico, as well as the many other positives, put things in perspective. Despite the hurdles, we are so blessed.

We love you all. Thanks for all your support along the way. Stay tuned for more.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


So......as exhausting as this first full week has been (and it's only Thursday), my sweet little kindergarten babies have been doing well for the most part. Of course our days are still filled with plenty of meltdowns, tears, and time-outs, they are also filled with new experiences and plenty of cases of the giggles.

Yesterday, my kiddos did incredible during reading centers. I mean incredible. They stayed on task. They shared. And they learned a few letters in the process. I thought as a little reward, I would let them take a little "brain break" and get their wiggles out. I brought them back to the carpet and put some music on for them to dance to. WHO DO YOU THINK WALKED IN WHILE I WAS DANCING THE STINKIN' SKINIMIRINKIDINKIDINK? No one else but the Assistant Superintendent of our school district, of course! Awesome. Why couldn't he have walked in 2 minutes earlier when my little ones were angels while also doing something a little more....ummmm...academic?

On another note, Wes & co. (Wendy & Allison) are on their way down here with our buttload of stuff. Or shall I say Wes' buttload of stuff? After patiently waiting almost 1 month, I will finally have my partner in crime back with me again!

Monday, August 15, 2011

kindgarteners say the darnest things

Well, Monday sure came and went (thanks to our weekly 1:55 early release!). Although my kiddos were only with me for 5.5 hours instead of the typical 7, they still managed to say some pretty funny things.

Here it goes.....(I use initials for confidentiality...I'm such a good rule-following teacher)

Situation #1: One of my little boys decided to break off all the erasers of the pencils at his table. He spent 2 minutes in time-out as a result. When I went over to the corner to talk to him, this is the conversation that resulted:
Me: K, do you know why you had to sit in time-out?
K: I bwake pecils (Translation: I broke pencils)
Me: That's right. We use our erasers for erasing and we do not break them. What do you think you need to tell Mrs. Bryant for breaking the pencils? (inferring he needs to apologize)
K: (Long pause) I love youuuuuuuuu
Such a little charmer

Situation #2: The kids were quietly doing a great job completing an assessment to help me see if they'd mastered our math vocab words such as above, below, under, over, left, right etc.
Me: Okay, everybody please circle the bird that is flying over the boat.
A: (in a loud yelling voice) Mrs. Bryant, it's a seagull!
Me: A, remember we're keep our voices off right now.
A: But I can't be quiet when I know it is seagull and you just call it a bird.

Situation #3: At the end of the day, I have all my busers (teacher lingo for children who ride the bus) in the front of our line. We walk FOREVER to get outside, a challenging task for 5 year olds. The line is quiet, the kids are lined up correctly, when all of the sudden.....(note: this is the same kid as situation #2)
A: Mrs. Bryant! But I'M riding the bus today!!!
Me: You are? Are you sure? Your dad always picks you up.
A: But my dad told me to ride the bus.
Me: (double checking his theory) How are you getting home today, A?
A: (in a very nonchalant tone)My mom is picking me up.

Oh kindergarteners. How I love you (even if you drive me a bit mad)!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

kicking friday's butt

Yesterday was my first Friday as a teacher. I've never been more excited for a weekend in my lifetime. As hard as Wednesday and Thursday were, can I just say that my kinders and I kicked Friday in the butt! We had SUCH a good day. I know that Monday will have its own challenges, as I can already hear their little voices asking "Why are we here again?", but I am thrilled to officially say that we had a successful day. Go Room 3!

Although many of you may just think my job is a piece of cake, teaching cute 5 year olds their colors, numbers, and ABC's, here's a few things you may forget I have to teach......
-How to hold your bladder
-How to hold a lunch tray
-How to open the milk carton that goes on the lunch tray
-How to sit in a chair for more than .347373 seconds
-How to walk in a line
-How to wipe your nose with a tissue
-How to listen (yeah.....about that....we're still working on this one)
-How to use scissors, pencils, glue, etc. appropriately
-How to turn on the classroom sink to wash your hands without coming back to your desk looking like you took a shower (yes...this has already happened. At least, he'd given himself a cute little mohawk)
-The list could go on for pages, but I'll refrain

I already love my kiddos to pieces and it's crazy to think they're my very first class..awwwww.

As much as my kiddos crack me up, I can proudly say that I make them giggle a little too. They're favorite part of the day is when I impersonate what a baby would do in our classroom (in order to teach them how kindergarteners are supposed to act). For example, when teaching them how to use glue bottles appropriately, I first pretended to pour the glue all over my page while making funny noises. They burst out in laughter crying "Do it again! Do it again!". I've done the same this with scissors, math manipulatives, etc. Every time, I have them wrapped around my little finger rolling around on the carpet in laughter. Precious moments like these make my well-paid job worth it :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

we survived....barely

Whew. After two days of teaching kindergarten I feel like I am finally taking my first breath since 6 am yesterday (the first day of school).

Nothing, seriously nothing, can prepare you for the first day of your teaching career. Especially when you class consists of 21 kindergarteners (90% of whom have never been to a preschool or daycare setting and have been mama's little baby for the last 5 years).

Yesterday, my first day, was absolutely chaotic. I survived....barely. My poor kiddos on the other hand barely made it through lunch time. I wish I could've counted the times I heard the following phrases: "I'm tired", "I'm hungry", "I want my mommy", "When's lunchtime?", "When are we going home?". Let me tell you, a 7 hour school day is hard thing for a 5 year old. But the bottom line....WE SURVIVED. Praise God, we survived!

Amidst the craziness, the tears, and the giggles were plenty of HILARIOUS moments. Here are just a few....

1. When the kids first came in, I had them sit at the carpet and read a book while I dealt with parents. They were angelic for the first 3.2 minutes. Sitting quietly. Looking at books. Being the cute 5 year olds they are capable of being. All of the sudden, one leader of the bunch stood up and spoke for everyone proclaiming loudly, "Ummmm...teacher. We can't read!!!!" It was as if they were a little gang. They all started shouting, "Yeah!", "Yeah!", "Yeah!". Within the first five minutes they had me laughing.

2. While standing in the lunch line, I had to repeatedly remind of a larger student to keep his body to himself. After asking him for the 3rd time if he understood the rules, he quickly said, "Yes, but you're beautiful!"

3. One child repeatedly kept asking me if my school ID badge was my driver's license or police badge. I swear, the kid just continued asking hoping that my answer would be yes.

Today, our second day, was leaps and bounds better. You know you teach kindergarten when you're thrilled that you manage to have their attention for 2+ minutes or that they've managed to create a somewhat functional and quiet line.

I can already say, I am so proud of my little ones (even if they drive me a little crazy approximately every 15 minutes). Watch out 2011-2012 school year. Room 3 is going to kick some seriously booty!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

happy anniversary wesley!

Dear H-band/El Hueso/Weslito,

Can you believe it? It has been 1 year since our wedding day. And here we are, in different states....again. Boy are we talented at being separated on anniversaries. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was writing a similar blog post from Costa Rica wishing you a happy "dating" anniversary. Well, at least we are in the same country for this anniversary.

I can honestly say that this has been the BEST year of my life. I have definitely had my "moments". Remember the drama of our first Christmas card? Yeah, the one where I made a typo, printed them out for 97 bucks, and thought my life was officially over. Wow. Thanks for sticking by my side and loving me despite "not so pretty" moments. Even when I have my down days, you somehow manage to find a way to make me laugh at myself and realize the more important things in life.

I love you more than you even know. Marriage has been the greatest adventure. Looking forward to the many years to come.



P.S. I have spent the last 3+ hours trying to upload a video for you, but it just doesn't want to work. You'll have to watch it when you get here.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

fridays at 4

It's official, I'm a teacher. Last night, I participated in my first "Friday at 4". I think this event must occur in every teacher's life in order to be initiated into the official "I'm a Teacher" club. After a long work week full of trainings, planning, and prepping the classroom, some teachers and I decided to get together after school for some pizza and beer. Technically, it wasn't 4 o'clock and technically we didn't "go out" either. We're all "teacher poor" and are all desperately waiting for that first August 19th paycheck. Instead, we decided to lounge by the pool at a co-workers apartment complex, share about our wild teen years, and of course, eat pizza and drink beer*

*Note: Technically, I had water instead of beer (since I'm not a huge beer fan). I left this detail out of the story above, because it sounded much cooler to say "pizza and beer".

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to Room 3, Home of the Black Widows

So, there have been tons of dead bugs under my cubbies ever since I moved into my room last week. Today, I finally made the fatal mistake of doing a further investigation as to why these dead bugs have such a presence in my room. I got down on my knees, ducked my head down under the cubbies and found.......drumroll please......

20+ Black Widow egg sacs

I quickly went and found Juan Carlos, whom according the veteran teachers is the person you go to for all black widow, cockroach, gecko, and other misc. bug problems. He should be back tomorrow to spray down my classroom. Welcome to the desert my friends!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

funny things, as of late

Recently life in Yuma has been rather humorous. Or perhaps everything is just funny to me because I'm living alone and going psychotic. Regardless, here are the top 10 things about my life in Yuma that might make you (or at least Wes) smile.

1. This morning I got dressed in my typical teacher clothes. Pants. Dress Shirt. Sweater. It was 7:30 and 99 degrees. I arrived at school drenched in sweat. I probably could've done without the sweater. Silly Oregonian.

2. The State Farm commercials on the radio station play a mariachi jingle rather than the typical "Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There" jingle. I can't even explain how hysterical this is.

3. I occasionally find myself speaking like I'm from the Midwest, simply because I'm surrounded by so many Michigan-ites at my school. I swear. Every teacher and their mother somehow traces back to Michigan.

4. The other night I was dripping sweat in the car for no reason...or so I thought. It took me 10+ minutes to realize I had somehow been blasting the heat instead of the AC.

5. I went to Blimpie's with my co-workers and accidently ordered in Spanish.

6. I still have yet to go grocery shopping and/or cook a meal since Wes left. I've been surviving on cereal and turkey sandwiches.

7. The weatherman recently used the phrase "panties in a bundle" to describe the weather.

8. I was making a sign for my art bulletin board that said "Room 3 Masterpieces". One of the volunteer's at the school now thinks my name is Mrs. Masterpieces.

9. This evening a realtor was showing me a few houses. In between houses, she just told me to follow her and that she'd drive slow since I'm new to the area. Yeah right. She drove like a maniac. It was like I was a police on a high speed chase. People were honking at me like crazy. Thank God for the Oregon plates.

10. I had a nightmare that my fly was down the entire first day of school.

Oh life in Yuma, you make me laugh

Monday, August 1, 2011


Well..it's official, my Wesley is gone. As of 5:40, he boarded a plane and left me here in Yuma, ALONE! What a meanie! I'm kidding. This was all part of our moving plan. He will be finishing up at his job in Eugene, packing the rest of our things, and coming back down on August 19th.

When I got in the car to drive around looking for rentals this evening, the driver's seat was still positioned for his much-longer-than-McKenzie legs, the radio stationed still tuned in to his preferred station, and the mirrors still adjusted for his much-higher-up-than-McKenzie eyes. As ridiculous as this sounds, I literally almost began to cry. I am such a girl.

I held back the tears and pulled out of the driveway and down our street. Wait, how the heck do I get around this city? Wes has been driving all week and I've been paying no attention.

Although we spent several months apart and in different countries during our dating days, this is the first time we have spent a significant amount of time apart since we've been married. I've already tried convincing my co-workers to take me out on a date on August 7th, as Wes and I will be apart on our 1 year wedding anniversary. Any lovely Eugenians wanna take Wes out on a date for me? I'd recommend Papa Soul Food, a place he loves but I'm rarely in the mood for.

I'm sure these weeks without him will zoom by, as I will be engulfed in school-related activities, but I will definitely miss his ridiculously cheesy humor, his uncanny ability to find his way around a new town, and his little-boy-run-out-in-your-undies excitedness he gets everytime a plane flies by Glen's house. Oh Wesley. You make me laugh everyday. I miss you already and it's only been 10 hrs. 18 more days? Oh crap. I'm doomed....

Wesley sitting outside of Glen's watching planes

P.S. I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes in this post. Wes is my editor-in-chief. He is currently "out of office"