Monday, June 28, 2010


Just this last Saturday my wonderful aunties hosted my very first bridal shower. This event marked the first time Wes really freaked out and reminded me, "Holy crap....we're getting married". Yeah buddy, glad you're now just figuring this out. I'm kidding.

Although the gifts were of course wonderful and will all be so helpful in getting our marriage off to a great start, I can honestly say that far beyond the gifts, I came to a serious realization......


Here's just a few reasons.

a. I have a truly amazing family. Although a bit large and crazy, they are truly the greatest.

b. I am marrying into yet another truly amazing family.

c. From my EB baby days to now, I have been surrounded by so many amazing women who loved and cared for me through it all.

So ladies, of course thank you not only for the gifts, but more importantly for making me feel so loved and cherished. I cannot say it enough, I am so incredibly blessed.

Monday, June 21, 2010

san diego

A couple of weeks ago Wes and I took a wonderful road trip to San Diego to attend a friend's wedding. I originally had marvelous plans to blog all about the trip, but well....let's face it, school, work and wedding planning pretty much took over my life these last few weeks and I literally haven't had a spare minute to blog. Overall, the trip was truly amazing and it was nice to get away from Eugene where life gets consumed by homework, coaching soccer, and planning our own wedding.

Here's some highlights and funny moments of the trip....

1.Wes is seriously the funnest boy to road trip with. He's got some serious air guitar skills. Check it out!

2. We made a trip to the USS Midway to kill time before the wedding. I was a bit hesitant about this trip since I'm not a history buff and know nothing about the navy and/or planes. Wes had a ball and surprisingly I did too. Thankfully the headsets had a kids version of the audio tour, which made me a happy camper. Check out these audio tour nerds!

3. Saturday evening....WEDDING TIME. My curls were moody and my high heels severely uncomfortable, but the wedding was beautiful. The pastor was a bit strange, convincing us that macho-man Kelly was capable of crushing Tristen's ring. I'm convinced Kelly must've gone to each pre-marital counseling session with a wife beater and a wicked sweet mustache. I mean how else did the pastor get this idea of macho man Kelly? The reception was equally as fun and the Oregonians showed those San Diego-ans how real people party. Red cups and all!

4. Our hotel room at the golf course had crazy short counters. Being the engineers were are, we rearranged the furniture and made a three-in-one room....bathroom meets kitchen meets office. Sweeeeeeeet!

5. On the way home, we decided to follow the crowd and stick with Walt and Sarah and Dan and Jared. My little 'Rolla got the best gas mileage of the 3 cars. Driving behind Walt and Sarah, we caught them getting a bit lovey dovey at times. We made a traditional stop at In-N-Out. And we of course stopped at a million rest stops. Ironically, unlike the normal group of people who spend a few minutes at the rest stop, we'd always stay a bit longer so Rockhound Dan could gather some nice rocks. Here's Dan showing off his newest additions to his collection!

Well folks, there you have it. Although it was a quick trip that lacked surfing and our traditional venture into Mexico, it was fun and stress-free to say the least. Congratulations Kelly and Tristen!

Here's just a few more photos...