Tuesday, August 23, 2011

bring on the hurdles

Last Friday evening was wonderful....Wesley, my dearest partner in crime, along with Wendy and Allison, arrived with all of our stuff....hence why I haven't updated this thing all weekend.....I've been a little, shall we say, preoccupied.

Ever since I arrived in Yuma in late July, things have been pretty smooth sailing. Chaotic, but smooth sailing. My classroom is neat and tidy. My kids are good (well-intentioned may be a better word). I had great temporary living quarters while Wes was gone. I found a decent rental before Wes arrived. Like I said, things were pretty smooth sailing.

THEN............when it rained, it poured.
This is code for we've had quite a few hurdles since Wes and the gals arrived. Here they go.....

-On the way down, 5 straps busted while attempting to hold down the Buick......costing us 140 bucks to replace. Oh, and no, they didn't all bust at the same time, causing multiple stops along the way.

-We unload the Buick into the garage, only to discover that the trailer has also busted in the process.....costing Wes a few hours in the hot sun to repair.

-While fixing the trailer, Wes discovers that the water valve to the fridge has been leaking over night and has flooded most of the kitchen and front room (conveniently where our boxes are sitting)....costing Wes an hour of clean up and costing McKenzie one serious mental breakdown.

-And then there was today. While I was gone at school, Wes discovers the water meter to the house has been removed, thus resulting in no water to the house and 2 trips to City Hall for Wes (apparently the last tenants weren't paying utilities and the city was unaware there were new tenants). Wait......why couldn't they have shut the water off two day priors when we were cleaning up a flooded kitchen? C'mon now!!!!

On a more positive note, we have a wonderful old man of a neighbor named Carl. He has been beyond helpful and is already Wes' new best buddy. He spent his Saturday in the 100+ degree heat helping us unload everything, he talks cars and 1950s with Wes, and is our water man to the rescue. Thank God for Carl.
Carl & Wes unloading the truck

On another positive note, while the girlies were here we managed to eat delicious food more times than you can count, travel to Mexico, float the river twice, visit the Historical Territorial Prison & Quartermaster Depot, and have loads of fun.

The trip to Mexico, as well as the many other positives, put things in perspective. Despite the hurdles, we are so blessed.

We love you all. Thanks for all your support along the way. Stay tuned for more.

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