Thursday, September 15, 2011

bikes rides and.....anchovies?

Last Saturday night we pulled out sweet Stingray and Schwinn and took our first official bike ride around Yuma. The scenery was a little different than the trails in Oregon. Palm trees instead of oaks. Irrigation canals instead of the Willamette. But hey, we had fun and our sweet bikes rocked this city's trails.

We traveled clear from our rental to Da Boys, a favorite Italian place of ours, and engulfed a 1/2 Da BBQ 1/2 Da Works pizza. Wes randomly asked for anchovies on his Da Works. The waitress must have thought we were on a first date based on my intense facial reaction to his abrupt ordering maneuver. Even after a year, good ol' Wesley always keeps me on my toes.

Wes, since when do you ever order anchovies?

texting and riding. SHAME!

mission accomplished

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