Friday, July 29, 2011

a week in review

What a crazy week it has been. Wait, can you believe it’s only been a week? In one week’s time, Wes and I have managed to drive 19 hours to Yuma, drive another 200+ miles searching for housing around Yuma, and arrange an entire classroom. Somehow, through it all, we’ve still found time to laugh together, float the Colorado river (twice!), and enjoy one another’s company (even if we have spent the last straight 168 hours together).

And so now.........ladies and gentleman...........I present to you.......... MY CLASSROOM!

Monday, Day 1: Arrive, meet Becky (principal), and rearrange furniture more times than Brett Favre has retired from the NFL. Seriously.

Tuesday, Day 2: Let the organizing begin!

Wednesday, Day 3: Slowly, things begin taking shape.

Thursday, Day 4:

Day 5: My room is nearly finished. Here it is!

cubbies waiting for little backpacks to arrive

a carpet ready for calendar time, tons of read alouds, block playing, etc

the reading corner (my favorite part of the room)

my "McKenzie-sized" desk. It is so short!

the bulletin board outside my room ready for kindergarten artwork

Oh, and P.S. This is what we get to wake up to every single morning. Pretty amazing, eh?

P.P.S. These also fly by everyday (note: We live near a marine base). Wes is in love. He runs outside in his undies just to get a glimpse of these babies.


  1. yaaaaay! I am so happy for you! Nice work! Please let me know if you are missing anything important, especially in the library!

  2. Oh wow! Your class looks AMAZING! I love the reading corner, it looks like so much fun. Great job McKenzie, you are going to be such a wonderful teacher!

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