Thursday, July 28, 2011

another case of the stickies

Ok, I promise this is the last post I will do about the meteorologist, but seriously this man should consider a career in unintentional comedy. Ironically, he also sounds a bit like Jim Carey. Well, more like Ace Ventura. Here is the legend himself, Rob Fram.

web single rob.jpg

We literally look forward to the 10 o'clock news just to listen to what this man is going to say next. Here are a few quotes from last night.

-“I’m going to keep both shoes on for this weather report because it looks like we’ve got another case of the stickies”

-“high pressure ruling the roost yet again”

On a totally different note, I have been a slave-driver and making Wes work all day in my classroom starting at 6 am. That's the earliest Martina and Martina will let us in. Yes, both my custodians names are Martina. Big Martina. Little Martina. They are adorable.

We are SLOWLY getting my room ready for the kiddos. So much stuff to do. Wes has been incredible and has learned more teacher jargon than he probably ever wanted to. "Word Wall", "positive behavior plans", "die cutter" are three of Wes' new phrases. Seriously though, he has been the best husband ever. Please be sure to take care of him when he comes back to Eugene in August. He deserves lots of pampering. Just look at the torture I put him through....

We'll post more pictures of my classroom once it is a little less chaotic. It's takes time to create the "cuteness factor" of a kindergarten room. Wes is just the man for the job.


  1. What's your first "theme" of the year for your class?! :) Haha. I love your classroom thus far and I'm so excited for you!!

  2. Lauracita!?!?!? Como estas? Espero que estes bien. I haven't met with the other teachers, so I'm not entirely sure, but I know that on the first day I am going to do a "Kissing Hand" theme (it's a book). I'm also a big fan of Mrs. Bindergarten, if you've ever heard of her. Miss your pretty face!
