Monday, November 7, 2011

welcome to teaching, newbie!

It is a well known fact that most first year teachers are blessed with a variety of sicknesses, thanks to their sweet yet germ-infested little students. And even though it is a whoppin' 70-something degrees everyday, the winter germs and sicknesses have infiltrated my classroom. Germs are especially prevalent in a kindergarten room, where most my students still don't know that a giant green booger means that it's time to start using tissues (oh yes, they'll just let them sit there. One of my little goofs even enjoys making the bubbles bigger. Yes. It is so gross.)

Anyhow, I'm not sure if it is just the fact that I'm daily surrounded by 5 year olds or simply the stresses of being a first year teacher, but my rather healthy body has managed to have quite the mix of symptoms over the last few weeks. Here's a quick run down:

2 weeks ago: I was convinced by other teachers to get the flu shot. Unfortunately, my body decided to hate this injection and I experienced every horrible side ache imaginable. You know that long list that they read quickly at the end of the commercials? Yeah, well that was what my life felt like. Fever. Chills. The sweats. Headache. Nausea. Vomiting. etc. etc. etc. Yet, I refused to call in for a sub. Stubborn Mrs. Bryant!

Last week: For whatever strange reason, my body decided to break out in hives at 2 am. I still have no idea as to why, but I was simply ithcy all over. Unfortunately these hives refuse to go away. The funny part of the story is that this morning, I simply couldn't handle the itchiness anymore and didn't want my kids to think I was a monster, so I took a Benadryl. Whoa. Talk about drowsiness. Note to self: Do not take Benadryl and attempt to teach. Bad decision. I was seeing double. No joke.

This weekend: On top of the wonderful hives, my throat decided it needed a little attention and began swelling, aching, and showing off some nice nasty bumps. So gross. Wes kept trying to get me to drink tea, but anyone who knows me, knows that I HATE HOT DRINKS. Finally, after 2 days of pain, Wes and I finally made a deal....I would drink a cup of tea, if he would cut off his stupid wristband from the car show we attended on Saturday. Deal. My feelings still stand: I HATE HOT DRINKS. I felt like vomiting after every single sip. 

So there you have it folks. Welcome to the life of a newbie kindergarten teacher.

On a funnier note: Today while saying the pledge, I overheard one of my students say this: "And a liberty and justice frog"

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