My first balloon sighting was yesterday at school. The balloons happened to be leaving from the field just next to my school. Due to the fact that I go to work every morning at a god-awful hour, I was able to watch many balloons take off. Here's a few pictures from just outside my classroom window.
The balloon on the left is "Spidey-Pig", a Spiderman balloon in the shape of a pig. The kids LOVED this one, of course.
Second sighting: This morning Wes and I decided to wake up early and go to another one of the lift-offs. I think it was the first time we both officially felt "cold" in Yuma. Sadly, it was only a whoppin' 51 degrees. It was fun watching the balloons take off literally 5 feet in front of you....especially when the Applebees' one collided with the fence. Dang it, why wasn't my camera on the video mode. I could've had a Youtube hit. Here's a few pictures.
If you look at this picture closely, you can see a ripped banner on the left side of the balloon. This was due to the collision with the fence. Suckers.
You got some fantastic shots, wow!