Saturday, November 19, 2011

full of hot air

The joy of living in a place full of snowbirds is that the winters are filled with fun events. This weekend the Colorado River Crossing Balloon Festival is going on. The BLUE skies (that's right Oregonians, the skies are still blue and sunny) have been filled with several hot air balloons. 

My first balloon sighting was yesterday at school. The balloons happened to be leaving from the field just next to my school. Due to the fact that I go to work every morning at a god-awful hour, I was able to watch many balloons take off. Here's a few pictures from just outside my classroom window.

The balloon on the left is "Spidey-Pig", a Spiderman balloon in the shape of a pig. The kids LOVED this one, of course.

Second sighting: This morning Wes and I decided to wake up early and go to another one of the lift-offs. I think it was the first time we both officially felt "cold" in Yuma. Sadly, it was only a whoppin' 51 degrees. It was fun watching the balloons take off literally 5 feet in front of you....especially when the Applebees' one collided with the fence. Dang it, why wasn't my camera on the video mode. I could've had a Youtube hit. Here's a few pictures. 

If you look at this picture closely, you can see a ripped banner on the left side of the balloon. This was due to the collision with the fence. Suckers.

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