Life has been ridiculously crazy busy. So busy that I am literally taking what feels like my first deep breath of the last 24 hours. Yes those 24 hours include my sleep, which has also been infiltrated by stress and nightmares. The photographer not showing up to the wedding. Forgetting to go to work. Losing my homework. You name it, I've stress-dreamt it in the last 24 hours. No fun.
After spending a sleepless night having terrible dreams, going to work all day, rushing to school, and cranking out massive amounts of homework until the midnight hours, I'm just now realizing what people mean when they say I'm nuts for trying to plan a wedding while working and going to school.
I write this not for pity, but rather to remind myself of the importance of enjoying the small things. Like the other night. Wes and I enjoyed our first meal on our beautiful new patio table (compliments of the wonderful in-laws). Hamburgers, corn on the cob, beautiful weather, and Billie Holliday quietly singing to us in the background. A simple, yet perfect night. It is the small things like this that make life so totally worth it.

Even with his mouth full of cow, he's still such a cutie
(erg....or should I say stud?)

Silly boy.
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