Inside the card my mom got me for my bridal shower it said, "Let the domestic bliss begin". If this picture below doesn't perfectly portray "domestic bliss", well then I don't know what does...

Let me explain the situation. It was the 4th of July. We signed up to bring cheesecake bars to the party we'd later be attending in Independence (what a great city to celebrate 4th of July, eh?) Anyways, minutes before baking I spilled my mom's boiling hot coffee all over Wes. Of course it happened to the 1 day of the entire year that Wes wore a white shirt. Into the wash it quickly went. As you can tell from the photo, I kindly provided Wes with a new shirt, complete with a homemade V-cut and a set of pre-teen Lindsay Lohans. Perfect! To top off the baking attire, I provided him with the floral print apron my aunt made me for my bridal shower.
And in no time ladies and gentleman, my man was domesticated, striking poses with the mixer and baking like a pro. Watch out Martha Stewart!
I couldn't help but think to myself, "Let the domestic bliss begin!"
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