Although a bit nervous, I am excited to be starting this new chapter of life. Better yet, I like to think of it as an adventure. Wes and I love a good adventure. If marriage is an adventure, well then, I've got the best partner in crime a girl could ask for.
Friday, July 30, 2010
sinking in
Yes. It is sinking in. Today Wes left for his weekend-long bachelor party/camping extravaganza. Tomorrow night my sister is putting on my bachelorette party. I started this blog with the intention to record sweet memories of my engagement, as I knew it would be a chaotic part of our lives. I cannot believe there is only one week left of being "engaged", calling Wes my fiance, and bumming off the parents.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
the small things
Life has been ridiculously crazy busy. So busy that I am literally taking what feels like my first deep breath of the last 24 hours. Yes those 24 hours include my sleep, which has also been infiltrated by stress and nightmares. The photographer not showing up to the wedding. Forgetting to go to work. Losing my homework. You name it, I've stress-dreamt it in the last 24 hours. No fun.
After spending a sleepless night having terrible dreams, going to work all day, rushing to school, and cranking out massive amounts of homework until the midnight hours, I'm just now realizing what people mean when they say I'm nuts for trying to plan a wedding while working and going to school.
I write this not for pity, but rather to remind myself of the importance of enjoying the small things. Like the other night. Wes and I enjoyed our first meal on our beautiful new patio table (compliments of the wonderful in-laws). Hamburgers, corn on the cob, beautiful weather, and Billie Holliday quietly singing to us in the background. A simple, yet perfect night. It is the small things like this that make life so totally worth it.

Even with his mouth full of cow, he's still such a cutie
(erg....or should I say stud?)

Silly boy.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
camping 2010
Camping is one of my all time favorite things to do. So many of my childhood memories revolve around camping with the Griswalds (aka my family). This last weekend, I had the pleasure of taking my first ever Bryant camping trip. I overpacked my bag as always, left my make-up behind, and enjoyed a weekend in lot G15 of South Beach with my soon-to-be in-laws!
Here a some highlights of our trip.....
Endless badminton games. Wes was convinced he was going to school me. I humbly defeated him 21-7. Booya!
Creating our world-famous Bryant Biker Gang!
Biking over this bridge on a 1-speed Schwinn.
Don't underestimate this sucker, it's harder than it looks!
Going to the Rogue Brewery. Can you believe it?!?!? Bryants go out to eat while camping. This is a big DeBow no-no. I guess Bryants forget about that "roughing it and toughing it" camping mentality when they're camping with Martha Stewart (aka Melinda)
Sarah and I learned that we married into the wrong family. None of blood Bryants like playing games! Looks like Sarah and I have many two-person game nights ahead of us...
Overall the trip was absolutely wonderful.
It trips like these that make me more and more excited to be a Bryant.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
domestic bliss
Inside the card my mom got me for my bridal shower it said, "Let the domestic bliss begin". If this picture below doesn't perfectly portray "domestic bliss", well then I don't know what does...

Let me explain the situation. It was the 4th of July. We signed up to bring cheesecake bars to the party we'd later be attending in Independence (what a great city to celebrate 4th of July, eh?) Anyways, minutes before baking I spilled my mom's boiling hot coffee all over Wes. Of course it happened to the 1 day of the entire year that Wes wore a white shirt. Into the wash it quickly went. As you can tell from the photo, I kindly provided Wes with a new shirt, complete with a homemade V-cut and a set of pre-teen Lindsay Lohans. Perfect! To top off the baking attire, I provided him with the floral print apron my aunt made me for my bridal shower.
And in no time ladies and gentleman, my man was domesticated, striking poses with the mixer and baking like a pro. Watch out Martha Stewart!
I couldn't help but think to myself, "Let the domestic bliss begin!"
Friday, July 2, 2010
Dear Pollen....
Dear Pollen,
Please go away. You make Wes' life (and subsequently mine) absolutely miserable. Let me give you an example.
Last night, after finishing my mother-load of a research project, I had the brilliant idea of celebrating with Wes over ice cream a nice sweet trip to the park. My favorite childhood park to be precise. I unexpectedly even happened to have a blanket in the trunk. Perfect. Yes, it was like a scene directly out of those ridiculous chick flicks that I somehow get sucked into. TWO bites into my ice cream, I look up and there's poor Wes. Sniffling nose. Watering eyes.
For the sake of Wes' health and sanity, I decided to ditch our picture-perfect park date. We headed home and enjoyed our ice cream indoors.
So there you have it pollen, please go away. We really don't like you.
McKenzie (& Wes)
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