Last weekend I had the privilege of accompanying Wes on a motorcycle ride to Corvallis. This was no ordinary leisurely motorcycle ride. Instead, we were headed to a motorcycle convention. Technically, it wasn't a convention. I just like making Wes' hobbies sound nerdy.
Anyways, the boys of our motorcycle gang thought it would be fun to ride the bikes to Corvallis, rather than drive. I mean, c'mon. You HAVE to ride into a motorcycle show on a motorcycle, right!?! It was a great idea. Almost as good as my idea to ride my bicycle to work one day. (See previous blog entry)
After waiting for slow-poke Walt, we finally made our way out of sunny Eugene. I hate riding through the residential roads making loud motorcycle noises. The boys love it.
Apparently the sun was as emotional as a pre-menstrual woman. In no time, our lovely motorcycle ride was amidst dark clouds and pouring rain. My wet jeans and butt tempted me to get grouchy and whiny, but for the sake of my loving fiance, I stayed positive and made my effort to enjoy every freezing mile of the ride. Thank God for iPods and my preppy girly music to get me through the rough ride.
We finally arrived in Corvallis. A bit soaked, but happy none the less. The boys showed off their bikes, we ate some hamburgers, and headed back home. Thankfully the way home was a bit sunnier and we were able to take a few pictures. Despite the crazy things I do for that boy, I sure do love him.
Pre Monsoon Pee Stop
Sweet tricycle my children will eventually have...
The cute fiance...

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