Monday, June 25, 2012

home sweet (overcast, rainy, green) home

When I left Oregon last July and moved myself, my husband, and all of his possessions to the sunniest place of earth (aka Yuma, Arizona), everyone kept telling me how much I was going to miss the green that Oregon has to offer. Perhaps because I was a bright-eyed first-year teacher desperate for a job or desperate for some much needed sunshine, I refused to believe that I would miss the green. I was determined to get out of the rain and cloudy skies, that I simply didn't think I would "miss" it.

But here it is people. For all of you who told me, "You'll miss the green", YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Don't get me wrong. I have thoroughly enjoyed our adventure in Arizona. I've learned to appreciate the desert for its unique beauty, I love traveling to Mexico bi-weekly, and I love teaching kindergarten.

However, now that I've been visiting Oregon for the last few weeks, I must fess up.....I love the green.  I love the smell of crazy fresh Oregon air. I love hiking in the trees. Well, technically not in the trees, but I'm sure plenty of Oregonians do that too. I've been snapping pictures left and right of "green things". Oh great, have I become a tourist in my own hometown? Crap. 

Ironically, as I write this post, it's pouring down rain on this June "summer day", but for the sake of this mushy-gushy environmentally romantic post, let's just say...I LOVE YOU OREGON! 

Here are some of my touristy shots....

I made Wes park at the very top of a parking garage so I could take this shot.(Eugene, OR)

view of Portland from Pittock Mansion
(Portland, OR)

My sister is one lucky gal. 
This is the view of Mt. Hood from her bedroom window.
(Portland, OR)

hiking Spencer's Butte
(Eugene, OR)

hiking Spencer's Butte
(Eugene, OR)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

DeBows in the Desert

This last week, my wonderful sister and momma came to visit Wes and me. It was a best treat after finishing my first official year of teaching. Even though Wes spent a week outnumbered and surrounded by girls, we had a wonderful week.

Here are some highlights.....

1. We birdwatched, and birdwatched, and birdwatched some more (My mom is the Bird Whisperer and Yuma was a perfect place for her to come visit)

2. We hiked the Grand Canyon

3. We enjoyed simply being outside and letting the Oregonians soak up some heat and defrost their frozen little bodies :)

4. We enjoyed many delicious meals (thanks for spoiling us Mom!)

5. We did plenty more, but frankly Wes old brick of a computer is starting to bug me, as it takes minutes to load each picture, and I need to go jump in the pool. I lead such a rough life, huh?

P.S. Please come visit us! We love having visitors! Thanks Mom and Kierra for a wonderful first week of summer.