Anyways, due to a big change in our lives, I've decided to start writing again. Why, you ask?
Well......drumroll it's exciting.......
WES AND I ARE MOVING to Yuma, Arizona, aka the sunniest place on Earth (seriously, look it up in the Guiness Book of World Record)
I recently accepted a kindergarten teaching position in Yuma. We leave on July 22nd. Every day until then is a roller-coaster of emotions....
excitement for a new adventure
sadness in leaving friends and family
readiness to eat delicious authentic Mexican food
nerves to teach a kindergarten class full of ELL students
You name an emotion and we've probably experienced it in the last few weeks while making this drastic decision.
Wes and I were born for adventure. Marriage has been the greatest adventure and we know that this next adventure is only going to make life a little more fun. We'll use this blog to provide you with a glimpse into our crazy lives.
P.S. Please come visit us!!! (Perks: In & Out, sun, day trips to Mexico, sun, Mexican food, have I mentioned SUN?)

Yuma Territorial Prison