drumroll please.......Wesley Denis Bryant
Yes, that's right. Wes officially has won over my dad's heart (as if he hasn't already over the last 9 years).
Today was my dad's birthday. His 54th. We celebrated with a sweet family dinner at our ever-favorite Mazzi's. We laughed about quirky family traits. Reminisced on the way Grandma Phyllis warmed up her butter. Shared our Mazzi's memories (our engagement, my mom telling my dad she was pregnant with Matt, etc).
When we got home, Wes finally surprised my dad with his birthday present......his restored record player. My dad was more than ecstatic. An awkward handshake and hug later, my dad was already grooving to his new records (that came with the record player). He hadn't used his record player in years, but thanks to Mr. Fix It (aka Wes) he was rocking out as if he was back in the 1970s.
So there it is. Wes has done it again. Congratulations "Son-In-Law of the Year", congratulations.

"Son-In-Law of the Year" ruining pictures.
Christmas '09